

INFO counting chambers

All hemacytometers will be delivered with one counting chamber, with each one white and red blood deluting pipette acc. thoma, each one mouthpiece and each one tubing for blood deluting pipettes, two haemacytometer cover glasses in a plastic case.
Article Code Description
single/double net ruling  
1100000 Neubauer-improved
1300000 Neubauer
2100000 B�rker-T�rk
1500000 Thoma
1700000 Thoma - Neu
2300000 Malassez
2700000 Fuchs - Rosenthal
Article Code Description
single/double net ruling Bright - Lined
1120000 Neubauer-improved
1320000 Neubauer
2120000 B�rker-T�rk
1520000 Thoma
1720000 Thoma - Neu
2320000 Malassez
2720000 Fuchs - Rosenthal